Medieval Torso Armour
Churburg (#13) Style Breastplate - 16 gauge
Plackart (Breastplate) - 16 gauge
Tudor Breastplate - 18 Gauge
Brass Castilla Breastplate - 18 Gauge
Smooth Spanish Breastplate
15th Century European Breastplate III - 16 gauge
Gothic Cuirass (Back and Breastplates) - 18 gauge
15th Century Gothic Breastplate - 16 gauge
Milanese Infantry Breastplate - 16 gauge
Italian Back and Breastplate (Churburg S18) - 16 gauge
Pikeman’s Back and Breastplates - 18 gauge
15th Century German Back and Breastplates (Cuirass) with Tassets - 18 gauge