Sales Hotline: +44 (0)1492 541300

Shipping and Handling

Delivery is free in the UK for all orders over £300 and is usually received within 1-3 working days between 9 am and 5pm Monday to Friday. Trade orders are usually dispatched on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Our main courier is Parcel Force International. Parcel Force are the largest couriers in the UK and have largest delivery network and best tracking system available. Having tried other courier services such as DHL we have found Parcel Force to be far superior in every way

All deliveries to mainland UK are free for orders over £300. For orders below this amount there is a postage charge of £10 (inc VAT). We also can deliver to the following areas where the following surcharges will apply:-

UK Mainland - £10
UK Mainland - FREE for orders over £300

Scottish Highlands - £18

Isle of Wight - £15
Channel Islands - £12
Scilly Isles & Isle of Man - £26
Northen Ireland - £26
Republic of Ireland - £19

We also offer the following delivery service:-
Before 9am GUARANTEED - £18
Before 10am GUARANTEED - £15.60
Before 12pm GUARANTEED - £10

Saturday Delivery

Before 12pm GUARANTEED - £24 (£16 if order is over £200 - UK mainland only)

On the night of dispatch Parcel Force will email you giving you the tracking details of your parcel(s).

You can track your delivery via Parcel Force by clicking on the following link:

When you proceed through the check-out, you will be given the option for your parcels to be delivered to a different address. Additionally, there is a shipping notes section where you can add further delivery instructions. In this section please feel free to specify a particular day for your delivery. For example, you may request - "Please deliver on Friday the 16th March". Please feel free to call us on 01492 541300 to ensure that any special requests have been noted.

Please Note

- The courier service that we use does not deliver to PO Box addresses.
- A signature is required for all deliveries.
- Customers must have a shipping address where someone will be in to avoid any issues with deliveries.

In the unlikely event of your goods being delivered faulty or damaged, you must contact us within 7 days of the date of delivery in order for us to arrange a replacement. Warranties issued by the manufacturer and ourselves concerning faulty or damaged goods do not in any way exclude the statutory rights of the customer under the Sale of Goods Act. We will in turn be responsible for the shipping costs to you if the goods are faulty during this period.

We aim to deliver goods to destinations in the UK within 1 to 3 working days using our nominated courier, once they have been dispatched by ourselves. However, we cannot be liable for any loss caused to you by late delivery. If the goods are not delivered within the delivery time we quote for that item, please contact us by email or by telephone on 01492 541300. We will endeavour to inform you if we become aware of an unexpected delay.

Registered Company number. 6769534 (England and Wales) UK Vat Number: 779 5190 76